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Happy New Year and Other Random Thoughts!

I hope everyone had a great holiday, celebrating with your family and friends. Now that the holidays are over, I am pulling my lazy procrastinating self together and plan for 2015. Hopefully I can make this blog into something that I have envisioned it to be 3-4 years ago.

Originally this blog was suppose to be a place where I could post my random thoughts, a place where I could use some of my coding skills. The blog then slowly evolved into a photo blog, specifically Korean models. Although I didn't mind doing it at first, it slowly became quite tedious. Looking for the correct pictures that I found appropriate for the blog became tiresome. So I stopped blogging altogether. I don't want this to happen again. New year's resolution #1, Don't be a quitter!

Anyways ... Now that that little history lesson is over. I would like to go back to the roots of my blogging career, not really career per se (could not think of another word to interpret my current thought process). I need to try and refrain from burning out. Hopefully I can set a schedule that can accomodate that. New year's resolution #2, Don't burn out!

As for the actual schedule for the actual posts and the content of the posts, it is still up in the air. One goal that I have set for myself is to try and post at least once a week. I think that quite reasonable, don't you? New year's resolution #3, Don't be lazy.

Not sure how this post became a New Year's resolution list, but I guess the main point going into this year is "Get off your ass and do something!" It retrospect, what my parent's told me to do since my childhood will finally become what I try to achieve this year.

To the people who have read this far, I thank you for your support and time. Hopefully, you found this post slightly enjoyable. I wish you a happy and healthy 2015!

Until next time, Later DayZ!

Random Note: Thinking about calling this "Random Thought Thursday". Should this be a thing?

Photo Credit: Basistka
Read more: http://bloggerknown.blogspot.com/2013/02/changing-blog-page-by-page-number.html#ixzz2Qt2EH53S